Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Thank You Mrs. Parks

She paid her fare, sat down in a seat and refused to move when told. What Ms. Rosa Parks did that day may not sound momentous, but it was a different time. It was a time when just staying alive as a Negro was a struggle – perhaps some would say not so different than today. But unlike today, there were burnings, there were bombings, there were Jim Crow laws, there was segregation, there was blatant disdain and hate for Negroes--black people were lynched for not doing what white people asked. So as we talk about the wonderful things that we as a people have accomplished, lest we not forget the many Rosa Parks who accomplished what might seem not so formidable tasks today amidst horrendous circumstances. If we listen to the civil rights documentaries, read their biographies, and embrace the stories of our parents and grandparents, then we might begin to fathom—we might begin to understand. As we say our farewells to Ms. Rosa, let us be uplifted by her inspiration. After all, if she was able to inspire such change in those times, just imagine what we might be able to accomplish in these times. Thank you Mrs. Parks.


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