Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Face-to-Face with War

The mother of a son who was killed in Iraq is camped out in Crawford, Texas, trying to get a face-to-face meeting with the vacationing George W. Bush. Cindy Sheehan wants to tell the president that he should pull all American troops out of Iraq. Her son, Casey, died at age 24 in the Sadr City section of Baghdad on April 4, 2004.

According to press reports, Sheehan said she decided to come to Crawford after Bush said once again that US troops are dying for a noble cause and the mission must be completed. Now, she says, she wants to ask the president, ''What did my son die for?"

The President is currently in Crawford for a five-week stay away from Washington, the longest presidential retreat in at least 36 years, according to The Washington Post.

It seems like such a simple request.

I really don’t know that it is the best idea or practical for the president to schedule private individual meetings with the parents of fallen soldiers. But then it is not hundreds of parents who are making the request. It is one grieving mother who is only a few miles away from the president’s ranch.

It seems to me that this meeting would just be the right thing to do even if it might only slightly ease this mother’s pain. It seems to me that it would also send a sincere message to many other war parents as well.

I’m not the president. I have not a child. I am a mother.


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