Monday, April 25, 2005

How About "My Life So Far--Kinda"?

Lately, Jane Fonda seems to be on every talk and news show I watch marketing her new book “My Life So Far" and movie Monster-in-Law.” I really, really like Fonda. She is a very talented actress—I’m almost buying her version of the events that led to that explosive photo of her in Vietnam. Fonda has stood up for what she has believed even when it was extremely unpopular. And, she does some pretty great things for our communities. A matter of fact my child actually participates in one of the youth centers she has sponsored in Southwest Georgia. But still I can’t get a handle on this “universality” concept Fonda is pushing. Generally speaking, I belong to the elite group known as poor folks. A lot of the young people in the programs Fonda sponsors also belong to this group. I have listened to her story several times and I am just not grasping how a rich, privileged, talented, beautiful woman can expect a group of poor, underprivileged girls--many of whom have no dad in their lives-- to grasp how one who was blessed with so much can expect them to relate to her “disease to please” resulting in her paying other women to join her and her then husband in bed. I'm just not feeling it. Like Oprah before her, I think maybe she could have shelved this book. Or at least, she could have left out this portion because I see no purpose other than a bit of sensationalism to sell a few (well, maybe a lot) more books. Fonda has plenty of dirty laundry to air without going this far. I would have been just as happy with my “My Life So Far—Kinda.” Nevertheless, I am still a big fan. Fonda's fearlessness and honesty are admirable, and my doesn’t she make all of us a little less fearful of aging.


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